Shuffles an input array and returns a copy of it. Uses the modern Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm to generate a random permutation of the input array.
The input array is not modified.
shuffle(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])// => { ok: true, value: shuffled copy of the array } Copy
shuffle(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])// => { ok: true, value: shuffled copy of the array }
Handle an invalid input:
shuffle('not an array')// => { ok: false, value: error: Error('[collections.shuffle] Input is not an array') } Copy
shuffle('not an array')// => { ok: false, value: error: Error('[collections.shuffle] Input is not an array') }
The type of the elements in the array.
The array to shuffle.
A Result object with either the shuffled array if ok, or an Error object if the provided input is not an array
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Shuffles an input array and returns a copy of it. Uses the modern Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm to generate a random permutation of the input array.
The input array is not modified.
Handle an invalid input: