Function hasProperties

  • Checks if an object has all the specified properties.


    This function uses the hasProperty function to check if the object has each property specified in the props array.


    const user = { name: "John", age: 25 };
    hasProperties(user, ["name", "age"]);
    // => { ok: true, value: 'true' }

    hasProperties(user, ["name", "email"]);
    // => { ok: true, value: 'false' }


    Handle invalid input parameters:

    const user = { name: "John", age: 25 };
    hasProperties(null, ["name", "age"]);
    // => { ok: false, error: Error('[objects.hasProperties] Expected a plain javascript object') }

    hasProperties(user, null);
    // => { ok: false, error: Error('[objects.hasProperties] Expected an array of property keys') }

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any>

    • K extends PropertyKey


    • obj: T

      The object to check for the properties.

    • keys: K[]

    Returns Result<boolean, Error>

    A Result object with either a boolean value indicating whether the object has all the specified properties or not, or an Error object if any of the inputs are invalid.

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